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B2B sales support for companies with solutions based on technology, having a long journey from concept to product to mainstream market and long sales cycles.

Technical Sales with Myrtleed Innovation

Technical sales representative for deep tech company

Sales Support for Technical Solutions

  • Support in refining sales processes, pipeline, customer relationship management (CRM), and target metrics for B2B companies with long sales cycles, requiring technical expertise

  • Support with refining sales presentations and marketing material

  • Support in the identification of target group(s), their purchasing-decision profiles and pain points (customer journey mapping)

  • Attendance and company representation at trade shows and conferences, and customer visits

  • Active sales activities such as identifying customers, outreach and lead generation, as well as support during negotiations of off-take/sales agreements

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With Us Today  

We work with scientists, universities, startups, investors & other actors within the innovation & deep tech ecosystem.

What some of our clients say about us

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This is the space to tell people about an open position. Describe the role, its requirements and the qualities the business wants to see in candidates. List the benefits that come with the job and tell interested readers what to include in their applications.


This is the space to tell people about an open position. Describe the role, its requirements and the qualities the business wants to see in candidates. List the benefits that come with the job and tell interested readers what to include in their applications.


This is the space to tell people about an open position. Describe the role, its requirements and the qualities the business wants to see in candidates. List the benefits that come with the job and tell interested readers what to include in their applications.


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